Monday, May 29, 2006

Sunday Dinner at Michael's House

Preparing for a busy day.

Picking flowers with Uncle Mike.


Dessert from both cousin Sarah and auntie Wendy.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

A day at the zoo

We had a very nice day at the zoo with Maurice and Brendan today.

The favourites were the elephant and lion, although monkeys were a very close third.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Robert and Sue's visit

Yurie really enjoyed Robert and Sue's visit. She had a bit of trouble saying 'uncle' and 'auntie'. It usually came out as 'hunkle' and 'grandma'!

Robert and Sue on their visit to Hong Kong

Fumie's comment

Yurie and 'hunkle'

Summer Uniform

Yurie's school has switched to their summer uniform.

New uniform

It seems Yurie likes the change!

Yukata - 浴衣

A yukata is a light summer type kimono. Yurie likes to wear these as they are a bit cooler on hot spring days.


