Monday, November 12, 2007

Sports Day

Yurie's sports day at school was held last Saturday. She participated in a race as well as a dance routine in which she played a raindrop.

She's the one on the left and she managed to come in third!


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the pictures of Yurie, as always. However, could not get the video to work well this time. The previousw one was okay. Tell Yurie we are proud of her achiving 3rd place in her very first sports day.

David Meddows-Taylor said...

This time I used Blogger's built in video format, but since some people have problems I have reverted to the YouTube format for the video.

Anonymous said...

Thank you it was easier to play this time. I noticed she came in third out of 3. Good for her. Better than having to say she came in last !!!!